Inspection and Maintenance


Busbar Inspection and Maintenance

Busbar inspection and maintenance is often overlooked but is highly effective in keeping critical systems running. We offer full in-depth inspection and maintenance on all existing busbar systems.

We carry fully calibrated equipment for inspection, service, and electrical test/diagnostics of busbar performance issues. Many our clients have benefitted from this cost-preventing service.  This has lead to the diagnosis and correction of major faults before catastrophic failure occurred on existing installations.


Many site service teams believe busbar does not require any maintenance.   However, most manufacturers state that annual maintenance is required. Some issues we have uncovered when carrying out maintenance on existing installations include: –

  • Water ingression.
  • Foreign objects in and materials in bars and joints.
  • Incorrect installation of joint packs.
  • Poor support putting stress on electrical joints.
  • Airborne contamination of electrical insulators.
  • 3rd Party damage.
  • Incorrect installation of tap-off units.
  • Joints not correctly torque set.
  • Incorrect adjustment of spring hanger units.

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